Thursday, September 11, 2008

Freedom Filled Days...

Hi Everyone - Greetings & Happy Thursday...

It's amazing how "life" fills your days. Before you know it 3 weeks have passed and you wonder where the time has gone and what filled the days.

I'm getting somewhat "tripped up" with posting on my blog because I haven't yet downloaded pictures from my camera. Somehow, I've got it stuck in my head I need pictures so my blog and writing will be more interesting. Other fellow bloggers do not always post pictures - so, it's just this "thing" that I need to get over and just move on with my writing...writing is what it's all about. There is freedom in them words! It's not that I don't have pictures--my camera is bursting with captured "Kodak" moments. That just means you'll all be looking at an album when I get them loaded into the computer...hmmm...a reason to take a break, grab a cup of your favorite tasting, yummy coffee!

Do you remember what you were doing the morning of Sept 11th?

I sister & I had just parked the car to come into work and the announcement came over the radio - I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Today is a day to remember those that lost their lives because of the horrific acts of terrorism played out on the United States. We should never forget what took place! This website is set up as a memorial: . It lists all the names of those who died that day. If you feel led to pray, pick a name and pray for that person's family. Today would be especially hard as they remember last moments, words said (not said) with their loved ones.

We are so blessed in the USA! Our freedom is a gift. It is envied by many and hated by many--around the world. This freedom we enjoy as citizens of the US has been fought and paid for with men's lives. Another man died for your freedom--freedom from enslavement to sin and all it's entanglements--Jesus Christ. Your life has been fought, bought, and paid for by Jesus' death & resurrection! This freedom from sin gives us the right to be called sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father - joint heirs of His Kingdom.

Let us remember! Enjoy your Freedom!

So, if the Son sets you free, you will be fee indeed! John 8:36

I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For He has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit or a bride with her jewels. Isaiah 61:19

A Sister who is free in Christ ~ Jodie


Michelle said...

Amen Sister!

Lelia Chealey said...

Yes, a day I'll never forget. I was home sick and had just woken up and turned the tv on and saw the destruction. Was a very scary feeling.

So glad you're joining the YES to GOD Tuesday's study! I love meeting new people so it will be fun to get to know each other through this book.
Talk to you soon! Remember, next Tuesday, Sept. 23rd be ready to discuss chapter 1! :)

KelliGirl said...

It was nice to meet you on my blog today. :-)

I enjoyed reading your posts. It is so awesome you are responding to God's call to use your gift of writing. (I was honored and humbled to see my name on your blog and that my words let you hear God more clearly. Amen!

Keep writing! Keep shining the light!
